Considering the source as comparable--for example reissues--how do those of you with very good CD/SACD or Universal players compare the musical-sonic enjoyment of the two.
XRCDs are very pricey. Are they really that great when played on top flight players?
The three K2HD Discs I have sound much better than their CD counterparts but the HD discs are supposed to be better than regular XRCDs. I don't no if they would be better or worse than SACD.

1]The Question is whether SACDs Are better than Cds SONICALLY,not which format will survive.

2]You have accused me wrongly.I do not think Audiogon is the place to flash my bling,If I ever feel the need to.My point is if you get a respectable digital front ,and set it properly,you could get a lot from CDs.XRCDs and the like will NOT make a CONSONANCE CDP sound like a dcs.PERIOD.

3]I wish you would read my earlier response more carefully rather than being brash and rude.I NEVER said that CDs and XRCDs sound the same;I just say that the improvement is subtle.You have to "cocentrate" to hear the difference.Shardone has summerised them quite brilliantly.

With SACDs though the difference are audible from the word go,there is nothing subtle about it.

4]Like I said,I happen To have quite a bit of XRCDs in my collections and understand that being in America,the accesss to these are quite limited and would like to share my experience,nothing more and nothing less.That is what Audiogon is all about,right?

5]A lot of people nmake the mistakes of buyting expensive XRCDs hoping to make their systems sound better.I think it is the wrong approach.Start with a good source and everything that is fed to it will sound good.

>>Start with a good source and everything that is fed to it will sound good.<<

Disagree. You are quite mistaken in fact.

There is some real bad digital software on the market that will sound terrible on even the best systems.

Unfortunately I own a few of those discs.

Game of frisbee anyone?
Nothing personal - just tring to make a point.
"Respectable" source ??? - like what? ....and how many audiophiles' opinion is disregarded or pissed on based on their gear or limited budget....etc.....???

Now - going back on topic.
SACD in general do sound better then ordinary CD.....but it is not always the case. XRCDs - (from my poor experiance) sound excellent on 99% of my collection. Price of xrcd is in fact very high.....and I agree with your suggestion that, it is not the solution to compensate for locking cd source.

I mentioned LPs as the alternative to both CD & SACD formats.
If you concider the resolution, value, uncompressed reproduction and number of titles......LPs start to look more and more like the worty contender for the crown.

All formats have something to offer as well as shortcomings which we have to put up with. But at the end it all leads to the same old conclusion..........

I have yet to listen to any "real bad digital software" that I want to use them as frisbee[they woun't make good frisbee either,i would imagine:}Maybe you could tell us some of those real bad titles,and we all could listen in our respective systems?


"nothing personal-just trying to make a point"-Do you always have to be so rude to make your point?Come on ,be a real man and own up to your statement.