Considering the source as comparable--for example reissues--how do those of you with very good CD/SACD or Universal players compare the musical-sonic enjoyment of the two.
XRCDs are very pricey. Are they really that great when played on top flight players?
Nothing personal - just tring to make a point.
"Respectable" source ??? - like what? ....and how many audiophiles' opinion is disregarded or pissed on based on their gear or limited budget....etc.....???

Now - going back on topic.
SACD in general do sound better then ordinary CD.....but it is not always the case. XRCDs - (from my poor experiance) sound excellent on 99% of my collection. Price of xrcd is in fact very high.....and I agree with your suggestion that, it is not the solution to compensate for locking cd source.

I mentioned LPs as the alternative to both CD & SACD formats.
If you concider the resolution, value, uncompressed reproduction and number of titles......LPs start to look more and more like the worty contender for the crown.

All formats have something to offer as well as shortcomings which we have to put up with. But at the end it all leads to the same old conclusion..........

I have yet to listen to any "real bad digital software" that I want to use them as frisbee[they woun't make good frisbee either,i would imagine:}Maybe you could tell us some of those real bad titles,and we all could listen in our respective systems?


"nothing personal-just trying to make a point"-Do you always have to be so rude to make your point?Come on ,be a real man and own up to your statement.
If you haven't heard "real bad digital software" I suspect you could downgrade most of your system components and be happy for far less than you've spent.

Afterall if you can't hear the difference, why spend the money?

Believe me, there's a lot of bad software on the market.
Yes,......I realize that.
love it or hate it.
Because I do not use the vaseline or sugar .....makes me a bad guy now?????
Being honest and frank isn't the crime.......is it???
If you like a sweat talk........I am not that guy.

Mrjstarck and Audiophile,

Obviously we different experience with regards to XRCD and SACD.Mine are pretty much like Shadone and sidssp"s experience.On the other hand,both of you seems to have the same experience.....Maybe I should ask my ENT surgeon to have a look into my ears ;}.

I think it is Ok to have different opinion.Emotions do run high,I look at it as passion,we are passionate about this hobby.My handshake to both of you?