the black crowes live

just wondering if anyone has had a chance to see the black crowes on the current tour,i got to see them in the front row on consecutive nights at the house of blues in cleveland recently and am planning a trip to richmond virginia to see them on consecutive nights in 2 weeks,as well as buffalo ny on oct 18th,it will be my first time having the chance to see one of my favorites 5 times on one tour

they played for 2 hours both nights in cleveland and treated the fans to completely different sets except for 2 songs that were repeated each night,they are an eclectic,loud,unpredictible band to say the least,and i think thats one of the reasons i enjoy them so much,you never know what they are going to play,they played long black veil by johnny cash,ohio from csny,and a dead song for good measure

i think the new disc warpaint is very good as well despite what the so called pre release educated guess of a review that was in maxim magazine
We tried to see them in Boston back in the spring. Nice, small venue. Funny thing is that the day the tickets went on sale, there were no tickets available. They had been sold to "friends" of the theater.

Pretty much the same thing is happening with AC/DC coming up in November. Tickets went on sale last Sat, but Ticketmaster says they never got them. But! You could go online last Thursday and buy tickets on eBay.

Just common practice around Boston.
I saw them in Chattanooga this summer and they were terrible. The sound was bad and they were too. They hardly ever spoke to the audience and didn't even do an encore. Of course hardly anyone cared for them to. It was an outdoor event and I don't suppose they get outside much from the looks of them.
I saw the Black Crowes a LONG time ago, they were the backup band [smile]. And they killed that night, excellent show! I'll have to go check 'em out again now that they're headlining...
