Bagpipes anyone?

Went to a memorial service yesterday...during which live bagpipes were played. Like any live music one hasn't heard in awhile, I am moved to snag a recording of a master of this instrument. Any suggestions?
They are LOUD and complex

Indeed - each one is like a group of players as they have multiple reeds called "drones". About 120 db SPL continuous is possible from bagpipes.

Try to get a CD of the 78th Frazer Highlanders. They were the first non-Scottich band to win the world title.
"Bagpipes are beautiful in small doses. Like in Star Trek when Spock died and they played Amazing Grace on bagpipes. But a whole album? I dunno, I'm afraid it would become annoying at some point."

I know what you mean!! We went camping recently and a nearby site had a person playing the pipes for most of the afternoon. At first it was kinda cool...but it did get old soon...esp. when we were looking for a little peace and quiet! But, to each his own!
When I lived in NYC, I briefly dated a girl who lived on 1st Ave on the upper East Side of Manhattan, near the East River. EARLY every Saturday morning, some guy played the Bagpipes in the park along the river. Might (or might not) have been charming for one morning...then, I'm not sure, but he probably contributed to the break-up. Definitely, limited doses only!
