Recommended CD's for classical good recording ?


I have been checking around and purchasing CD's (I am getting more and more into classical music) but several of the recommended classic recordings were done back in the 40's and 50's, and don't sound all that dynamic in my system. They are somewhat flat and 1-dimensional. Perhaps they are better on vinyl? Most of the best recordings I have were recorded either recently or back in the 70's.

What are some good recordings to seek out? There is a good classical music store nearby
Thanks for the responses. This gives me somewhere to start. The local classical music store has a huge Naxos catalogue, so that suggestion is helpful.

Regarding what I am looking for: I really don't know! Growing up in a small rural town and getting my degree in chemical engineering didn't exactly introduce me to a range of music, so I am not familiar with what I like enough to be on the lookout for any particular piece. You could consider me musically illiterate. Probably my favorite 2 pieces that I have heard are Brandenburg Concertos and the 4 Seasons. I have both on Naxos re-releases.
here's the link to top recommended classical SACD's