Digital Drum Kits

At A'gon member Ulf's recommendation, I got hold of the tremendous live DVD "Lindsey Buckingham at Bass Hall". His drummer gets this amazing kick drum sound out of a digital set. It looks really strange, but sounds amazing. Anyone know which drummers use these on recordings and do they generally sound so impressive. Any comment is appreciated.

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I was a drummer for nearly twenty years. I know drums.

You might enjoy the V expressions custom kits much more than me. I bought the Hodgepodge - 30 kits - all Acoustic and more dynamic/realistic than what the TD-9 came with (although what it came with was quite exceptional as you say - I think Roland is hands down the leader in standard electronic drums)
I was at a arts festival in Harrisburg PA with a fellow Agon bud, a band was playing and useing a small almost guitar inspired drum gizmo that was really awesome, the guy let me try it after the show. I used to dable in drums till disability ended that and was really curious to check the kit out as I figured it would be a way for me to have some fun.........very cool and really good sound.