How many times do you play a CD/LP?

Having viewed some of the vast collections of CDs/LPs on this site I wondered how many times a CD or LP is played once purchased. I have only about 200 CDs and find that a few might get played several times and others only once.
If you're standing still as the world changes it'll run you over. (this coming - ironically - from a guy who collects nothing but 50-year old jazz)
Once. Unless it's new to me. then once all the way through it, then those tracks I liked right off. if it's one I like a lot I'll play it each day for a few days... depending.

I seldom buy CDs one at a time. usually a dozen or so at a time, so over the follwoing weeks, I'll concentrate on the new arrivals, and mix in some old favs as the days pass.

I try to stay out of the "I play about six or seven Dsics routinely" camp. I'd have a pretty sucky system if all I could listen to were a handful of CDs... and I've been there too. Never again though.

I tend to go from genre to genre more than from album to album... what I mean by that is I have my defaults of course. I usually wind up immersing myself into one genre predominately for a good while. then I move onto another one I'm not familiar with at the time. Get way into it, find out as much as I can about it... then move on to another... and so on.

Like G'mace said, I will also wind up re-discovering music that I got which at the time, I didn't care for too awful much.

tastes do change.

this path sort of keeps things fresher for me... by the time I return to a more familiar genre, there has been another wealth of unfamiliar recorded music available for me to discover.

contrary to this rule are my usual default/favorites that I'll always check in on routinely. Blues. Contemporary Jazz. R&B. Bluegrass. Country. Big Band jazz. Jazz vocalists. I've a couple favs in each of these areas I'll keep up on no matter what I'm into at the time.

For me, it's more fun this way. Albeit, this past year has been almost all about HT. so I added a couple hunred DVDs to my collection... and only a dozen CDs or so.

Pink's Dark Side wasn't one of them... I already had it on SACD and RB.
never get tired of "dark side of the moon" along with many 60's till now. springsteen, rolling stones, beatles, dylan, the who, ccr, elo, elp, etc. the list goes on and on and on. is that not the point of vinyl that the best stand the test of time. it is not just the listening but the conection great music brings. each time you hear it you relive, hopefully, a great moment or a fond memery or even a frend or loved one no longer around. each time i hear "born to run" i am a teen all over again. if that is simple music i will take it over and over again.