the SHM CD Experience

I'm up to 22 titles so far. Anyone else diving into these yet?.
"Probably as long as dumb posts like yours are permitted. "

what was so dumb about my posts? that I said due to super clear plastic (SHAM-CD) your cd player will be able to read 0,03% more bits or 1% more bits, and on high resolution recording (SACD of FLAC 24/96) you have 400% more bits (musical information), or that SHM-CD and blu-spec CD are not newly remastered cds, they are same mass market remasters already available on the market?

these are just facts.
...bottum line...if your system...which includes everything from the wall to the speakers..was good enough..most cds would not only be listenable ..but very enjoyable...but yours isn't...i will assure you that cds..played on my system..sound worlds better then the same ones played on yours...'these are the facts'...whether you care to admit them or not...what your ears are telling you is that your system isn't that good...
bottom line is $500 SACD player sounds better than $500 CD player, $1000 SACD player sounds better than $1000 CD player, $1500 SACD player sounds better than $1500 CD player, $2000 SACD player sounds better than $2000 CD player... and high resolution recordings sound better than low resolution compact disc

and like I said, due to super clear plastic on your compact disc, your player will be able to read maybe 0,03% more bits or 1% more bits, or even 0% more bits (assuming you have a good cd player that never had any problems with reading CDs).