patricia barber

i listen to them this past sat.night at duke university, they are sweeett......if you ever get the opportunity,,,DO IT.... no overload , no pretense, i almost fell asleep twice, but i couldn't i was so excited.......the best jazz i have heard live n a long time, just wanted you to know and braggg alitttle.....dwhitt
You are correct about her Cole Porter tribute. Just relaxed and emotionally involving. I saw her as well. Her drummer is good, her stand up bass Michael is unreal. Such and underrated group. When I hear the crap on the radio and the people with very little talent who are making lots of money it makes me crazy.

Thanks Dwitt for the report.

glad this is getting such a good response...i have been around musicians and music a long time,,,,seldom have i been so excited and truly entertained ...
Guys thought I would through this in. In Colorado we have a wonderful female singer named Rene Marie. If you like Patty you probably will like her as well. Also well recorded for us, I hesitate to say it, audiophiles.

Here is her website and then below that is a down load of one of my favorite songs off her new album. A must listen.
