Recommend To Me Some Tuba Music

I just love the warm, mellow sound of the tuba in Air’s great song Casanova 70 off their album Premiers Symptomes.

Can anyone recommend a band that features tuba as their lead instrument or maybe even a song that does? I already have the more rock oriented horn bands like Bonerama and the Dirty Dozen, but I’m looking for something more mellow.

The CD is called Gravity!!! by Howard Johnson& Gravity.

It is out of print but occasionally makes an appearance on Amazon. If you see it, grab it! The best tuba album I have ever heard.

This has got to be solo tuba and ensemble tuba music at its best.

The music is jazz and the album show cases jazz standards.
For some of the funkiest tuba playing, check out Sergio Carolino's album TBG (Tuba, Guittara, Bateria). Tuba, guitar, and drums, one work...fabulous. Also look into Youngblood Brass Band's Center, Level, Roar. New Orleans style brass band with great bass lines. Being a tuba player, I can recommend dozens of recordings if you wish.
As Jtuba says, New Orleans style brass bands feature lots of tuba lines, though they are often played on sousaphones. Mariachi music sometimes uses tuba in the bass line, if you are a fan of that. If you want some classical tuba recommendations, the most famous tuba concerto is the Vaughn Williams. Look for a recording with John Fletcher. Fletcher also played with one of the most famous brass ensembles, the Philip Jones Brass Ensemble. They have lots of great recordings, with some crossover into light jazz. You might like some of their stuff, even if you are not generally a fan of classical music.
Tuba. Seriously, tuba? This is all just so wrong.

OK, maybe if someone has the tuba rendition of Flight of the Bumblebee...

Canadian Brass and New Orleans jazz is where I've usually heard good tuba.