I am 33 and come from Russia. My passion is heavy music, namely Black Metal. I find it fascinating. I feel like a hermit because those friends of mine which are audiophiles do not like black metal. And those friends which like black metal (actually, play it even in bands!) couldn't care less about high quality audio gear.
Are there any people like me who own hi-fi/hi-end equipment to listen to heavy metal genres?
Michael Jackson must be brainier than Einstein then because his music has sold 750 million albums. Then again, did he not dangle his young infant sibling over the balcony on the 2nd floor of a hotel once? Intelligence and music? Poppycock!
I think those that do not like crowds at rock gigs are showing their ages. Pipe and slippers for you lot then! lol.
Gawdbless, another great one- Poppycock. And who again mentioned sales? I lost you there. I'm happy for you, that Black Metal is all you need to satisfy your intellectual needs. Really. BTW, age has nothing to do with it, and I'm just 15 y/o.
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