Dear Nandric: +++++ " It is obvious that MM carts will track
better than MC carts because of the different compliance.
Regarding the 'better' qualification or expression I mean: on the testrecords. But the question should be what is adequate for our records. I am not 100% sure but if
I rememebr well 50 micron should do. 'Remember' refers to
what Van den Hul stated. Anyway I have no problems at all
with 60 microns ..." +++++
I don't know which is adequate for our records because even that I own no less than 20 test records ( Shure, Telarc, Ortofon, Vanguard, Stereo Review, CBS, B&K, HiFi and the like. ) I don't use it yet through my tracking distortion tests where I use only 4-5 normal music LPs with no test tones.
What I know is that as better the cartridge ability to stay in the groove and I mean: stay in touch with the groove always with no tiny/minute/microscopic jumps, as lower the distortions ( for this subject. ) and better cartridge quality performance where we literally heard more MUSIC.
This cartridge ability tracking subject makes always a huge difference between cartridge comparisons ( btw if it is true that higher compliance helps on the tracking issue it is true too that is not the only factor to take in count when we are talking of cartridge tracking ability. ).
IMHO we all need any/a method to be aware how in any cartridge its tracking ability levels are reflected in what we are hearing.
Tracking distortions can't be detected if we don't know how it sound, what to looking for. It is not rocket science and is more or less a simple " thing ".
This is what Banquo63 posted in other thread, not in specific about cartridges but I only want that we can have an idea about distortions:
++++++ " A couple of things to remark. First and foremost, the sound is relaxed, and what I had been judging as the 'exciting' and 'dynamic' sound of my previous set up , I now think of as distortions. " +++++
remember the WOW factor I talked when I posted about cartridge distortions? remember that a few days ago I posted that distortions/colorations could be addictive?
well: we all " like " distortions and for some of us even if we don't like it we have to accept it because many times we can't delete some kind of distortions.
To be aware of tracking cartridge distortion levels or cartridge distortions because cartridge body or stylus assembly resonances is very useful when we are making cartridge comparisons about quality performance cartridge level.
Normaly that WOW cartridge factor sound is almost always charged by heavy distortions from different kind against cartridges with out that WOW factor. Of course that exist very low distortions cartridge(s) with that WOW factor but normaly too when we are swtiching from a higher distortion cartridge to a lower distortion one almost always we don't like this one so much like the higher distortion one because the cartridge with lower distortions now seems to us that what we heard through our systems " lost/lose " : 'exciting' and 'dynamic ' and certainly this is what our ears percieve at first glance but the reality is that what we lose were ( fortunately ) distortions of different kind and this fact means that we win: more MUSIC.
Many years ago when I was unaware of the distortions importance I re-wired in external fashion my SAECs tonearms ( 8000 and 506 that were working with Denons DP-80 and DP-75. ) with silver VdH wires and I remember ( to vivid today. ) that I was really exited to hear what this change promised and when I heard the first LP track in the 8000 as high was my exitement as high was my dissapointment. I was even " angry " because time and money I invested in what " must " be an improvement that shows me was not an improvement but several back steps on quality performance sound level!!!! I go with the 506 waiting that things could be different but shame on that: similar dissapointment.
I losed the " exiting and dynamic " ( WOW factor. ) that I had before that wire changes.
Fortunately I did not desesperate and followed through more days listening my system till my ears " accustom " to the lower distortions.
From that old years till today this kind of similar experience already repeated one and again every time changes in my system reflected improvements by lower/ing distortions.
Of course that only through comparisons where start and we have a reference we can be aware that due to lower distortions we are " loosing that WOW factor/exiting and dynamic ( between other things. ) ".
With cartridges is not different distortions added harmonics that we detect as a different tone color: exiting/dynamic/transparent/alive or the like.
Now a lower distortion cartridge performance has that: exiting, dynamic, transparent or alive tone color too but with a different quality. With out a method ( with both components: objective/subjective. ) to test and be aware of those distortions we can't discern about and IMHO many times what we are hearing and what we highly praised as a cartridge top performer is only a " poor " cartridge distorted performer. The 7s is an example of this " stage " as is the 20SS ( read what Banquo posted on the 20SS when he loosed that " exiting and dynamic " sound because he lowered its TT/tonearm distortions. ) or the TK10ML Series II.
Another very clear example of this trackin cartridge distortions is what I experienced with my Nagatron 9600 sample. I posted that my AT-24 is a better performer than the 9600 but Travbrow experienced just the opposite, I posted that the AT-24 is a better tracker than the 9600 and with lower distortions.
The 9600 has a high WOW factor with a bass ( mid bass and low one but not on the lower range. ) that any one has to experience it: tunneful, no overhang, pitch-perfect, great grip in a word: " addictive ".
Well, I posted that the 9600 is an average/mediocre tracker ( I almost can say a poor tracker. ), how is that this poor tracker cartridge can has that kind of mid-bass performance? this is out of my mind and I can't explain it for sure.
But things are that the cartridge performance has not a neutral tone or a well balanced overall frequency range and even that the highs could " seems " no-end and transparent in reality are distorted.
If we hear this cartridge at 80db-82dbs SPL at seat position is not easy to be aware where those distortions are but when we go to the high 80'sdb and inside the 90-93dbs then you know and be aware of those cartridge distortions against the AT-24 that does not shows those distortion signs.
Yesterday I was listening the 9600 ( that came with non-original Nagatron stylus 9600 model. ) and when I was hearing the Sam McClain " Keep on' moving " LP ( 83db SPL. ) I been aware and confirm those higher distortions at the high frequency range that IMHO belongs to that poor tracking cartridge abilities ( because I know it can't comes from the cartridge body ( first rate. ) or stylus plastic assembly because there is no plastic assembly: the stylus came attached firm as in a MC or like in a B&O cartridges, no resonances here. ) then I switch to the TK10ML Series II ( that I have mounted on hand. ) and those distortions in that frequency range just vanished does not exist any more ( this top Signet is a tracker champ. ).
Then I returned to the 9600 but now to 92 db SPL: was really agressive and almost unlistenable causing fatigue in my ears. I made the same with the Signet and I was really pleased even at 95 db SPL.
Has the Signet that WOW factor? yes but the quality level is way way different.
Halcro posted:
++++ " This is similar to the claim by Raul that a cartridge can sound so good (Wow) in our multiple systems.......but is really only 'average' because our systems have 'distortions'?
Yet other cartridges which some of us find disappointing in our systems, are so good that they only sound bad because of these same unspecified 'distortions' in our systems? " +++++
first is not what I say but to understand the whole distortion subject and one road to understand in better way ( it is not matters if we like what we heard. ) is to compare WOW factor cartridges against lower distortion ( non " apriori " WOO factor. ) in the long run: I mean to give days of listening to that lower distortion cartridge to understand what is happening in one cartridge or the other and please don't use fors this test FR heavy distortions tonearms choose what you want but FR ones.
Nandric, in the main page of this thread I speak about the importance of tracking distortions and the importance that the cartridge stay always in touch with the LP grooves and before this thread I posted several times of the main importance of this " stay in the groove " subject.
No, I don't have the answer to your question other that any cartridge that run freely and with no failure all those live 16 cannon shots on the Telarc 1812 gives you more MUSIC than the ones it can't, gives you more listening pleasure!
Regards and enjoy the music,
better than MC carts because of the different compliance.
Regarding the 'better' qualification or expression I mean: on the testrecords. But the question should be what is adequate for our records. I am not 100% sure but if
I rememebr well 50 micron should do. 'Remember' refers to
what Van den Hul stated. Anyway I have no problems at all
with 60 microns ..." +++++
I don't know which is adequate for our records because even that I own no less than 20 test records ( Shure, Telarc, Ortofon, Vanguard, Stereo Review, CBS, B&K, HiFi and the like. ) I don't use it yet through my tracking distortion tests where I use only 4-5 normal music LPs with no test tones.
What I know is that as better the cartridge ability to stay in the groove and I mean: stay in touch with the groove always with no tiny/minute/microscopic jumps, as lower the distortions ( for this subject. ) and better cartridge quality performance where we literally heard more MUSIC.
This cartridge ability tracking subject makes always a huge difference between cartridge comparisons ( btw if it is true that higher compliance helps on the tracking issue it is true too that is not the only factor to take in count when we are talking of cartridge tracking ability. ).
IMHO we all need any/a method to be aware how in any cartridge its tracking ability levels are reflected in what we are hearing.
Tracking distortions can't be detected if we don't know how it sound, what to looking for. It is not rocket science and is more or less a simple " thing ".
This is what Banquo63 posted in other thread, not in specific about cartridges but I only want that we can have an idea about distortions:
++++++ " A couple of things to remark. First and foremost, the sound is relaxed, and what I had been judging as the 'exciting' and 'dynamic' sound of my previous set up , I now think of as distortions. " +++++
remember the WOW factor I talked when I posted about cartridge distortions? remember that a few days ago I posted that distortions/colorations could be addictive?
well: we all " like " distortions and for some of us even if we don't like it we have to accept it because many times we can't delete some kind of distortions.
To be aware of tracking cartridge distortion levels or cartridge distortions because cartridge body or stylus assembly resonances is very useful when we are making cartridge comparisons about quality performance cartridge level.
Normaly that WOW cartridge factor sound is almost always charged by heavy distortions from different kind against cartridges with out that WOW factor. Of course that exist very low distortions cartridge(s) with that WOW factor but normaly too when we are swtiching from a higher distortion cartridge to a lower distortion one almost always we don't like this one so much like the higher distortion one because the cartridge with lower distortions now seems to us that what we heard through our systems " lost/lose " : 'exciting' and 'dynamic ' and certainly this is what our ears percieve at first glance but the reality is that what we lose were ( fortunately ) distortions of different kind and this fact means that we win: more MUSIC.
Many years ago when I was unaware of the distortions importance I re-wired in external fashion my SAECs tonearms ( 8000 and 506 that were working with Denons DP-80 and DP-75. ) with silver VdH wires and I remember ( to vivid today. ) that I was really exited to hear what this change promised and when I heard the first LP track in the 8000 as high was my exitement as high was my dissapointment. I was even " angry " because time and money I invested in what " must " be an improvement that shows me was not an improvement but several back steps on quality performance sound level!!!! I go with the 506 waiting that things could be different but shame on that: similar dissapointment.
I losed the " exiting and dynamic " ( WOW factor. ) that I had before that wire changes.
Fortunately I did not desesperate and followed through more days listening my system till my ears " accustom " to the lower distortions.
From that old years till today this kind of similar experience already repeated one and again every time changes in my system reflected improvements by lower/ing distortions.
Of course that only through comparisons where start and we have a reference we can be aware that due to lower distortions we are " loosing that WOW factor/exiting and dynamic ( between other things. ) ".
With cartridges is not different distortions added harmonics that we detect as a different tone color: exiting/dynamic/transparent/alive or the like.
Now a lower distortion cartridge performance has that: exiting, dynamic, transparent or alive tone color too but with a different quality. With out a method ( with both components: objective/subjective. ) to test and be aware of those distortions we can't discern about and IMHO many times what we are hearing and what we highly praised as a cartridge top performer is only a " poor " cartridge distorted performer. The 7s is an example of this " stage " as is the 20SS ( read what Banquo posted on the 20SS when he loosed that " exiting and dynamic " sound because he lowered its TT/tonearm distortions. ) or the TK10ML Series II.
Another very clear example of this trackin cartridge distortions is what I experienced with my Nagatron 9600 sample. I posted that my AT-24 is a better performer than the 9600 but Travbrow experienced just the opposite, I posted that the AT-24 is a better tracker than the 9600 and with lower distortions.
The 9600 has a high WOW factor with a bass ( mid bass and low one but not on the lower range. ) that any one has to experience it: tunneful, no overhang, pitch-perfect, great grip in a word: " addictive ".
Well, I posted that the 9600 is an average/mediocre tracker ( I almost can say a poor tracker. ), how is that this poor tracker cartridge can has that kind of mid-bass performance? this is out of my mind and I can't explain it for sure.
But things are that the cartridge performance has not a neutral tone or a well balanced overall frequency range and even that the highs could " seems " no-end and transparent in reality are distorted.
If we hear this cartridge at 80db-82dbs SPL at seat position is not easy to be aware where those distortions are but when we go to the high 80'sdb and inside the 90-93dbs then you know and be aware of those cartridge distortions against the AT-24 that does not shows those distortion signs.
Yesterday I was listening the 9600 ( that came with non-original Nagatron stylus 9600 model. ) and when I was hearing the Sam McClain " Keep on' moving " LP ( 83db SPL. ) I been aware and confirm those higher distortions at the high frequency range that IMHO belongs to that poor tracking cartridge abilities ( because I know it can't comes from the cartridge body ( first rate. ) or stylus plastic assembly because there is no plastic assembly: the stylus came attached firm as in a MC or like in a B&O cartridges, no resonances here. ) then I switch to the TK10ML Series II ( that I have mounted on hand. ) and those distortions in that frequency range just vanished does not exist any more ( this top Signet is a tracker champ. ).
Then I returned to the 9600 but now to 92 db SPL: was really agressive and almost unlistenable causing fatigue in my ears. I made the same with the Signet and I was really pleased even at 95 db SPL.
Has the Signet that WOW factor? yes but the quality level is way way different.
Halcro posted:
++++ " This is similar to the claim by Raul that a cartridge can sound so good (Wow) in our multiple systems.......but is really only 'average' because our systems have 'distortions'?
Yet other cartridges which some of us find disappointing in our systems, are so good that they only sound bad because of these same unspecified 'distortions' in our systems? " +++++
first is not what I say but to understand the whole distortion subject and one road to understand in better way ( it is not matters if we like what we heard. ) is to compare WOW factor cartridges against lower distortion ( non " apriori " WOO factor. ) in the long run: I mean to give days of listening to that lower distortion cartridge to understand what is happening in one cartridge or the other and please don't use fors this test FR heavy distortions tonearms choose what you want but FR ones.
Nandric, in the main page of this thread I speak about the importance of tracking distortions and the importance that the cartridge stay always in touch with the LP grooves and before this thread I posted several times of the main importance of this " stay in the groove " subject.
No, I don't have the answer to your question other that any cartridge that run freely and with no failure all those live 16 cannon shots on the Telarc 1812 gives you more MUSIC than the ones it can't, gives you more listening pleasure!
Regards and enjoy the music,