Best sounding Beethoven symphony LPs

I would like to replace my late '80s Beethoven symphony CD's with a dynamic, great sounding boxed set of LPs. I prefer more of a front row than a fifteenth row perspective. Any suggestions?
Ag insider logo xs@2xcrazee01
I second the vote by Rushton and add Symphony 4, Herbert von Karajan, Berlin Philharmonic DG 2531 104
The Klieber perfomances are excellent. Some of the better performances on LP, however, do not offer the best sonics. One case in point would be Szell's. I have the ones on the Epic label - I am told the original releases sound better. There are also some great performances on the Angel label by Giulini and Klemperer. Some of the Böhm ones on DG are great performances, but again not so great sonics. The Karajan ones are hit and miss, depending on which set of his you are listening to, and I am not familiar enough with them all to comment on which are the best.

For many musicians, the best period instrument performances by far are those of John Eliot Gardiner, though these are only available on CD to my knowledge. Much better interpreted and performed than the Norrington versions, for sure.
Bruno Walter for the 6th, my favorite recording period. Karajan is better on the odd ones , 3,5, 7 and 9 are very good. If you are going to get one set the Karajan should be easy to find and has good sound as well.
The Solti 9th, very deservedly recommended by Rushton above, was re-released by Mobile Fidelity in the 1980's, with excellent sonics. I suspect it isn't findable today, unless you get lucky purchasing a used copy, but it appears to have again been re-released, this time by Decca (for $65!):

It has been on TAS/HP's recommended recordings list, as an LP. Note the review comments by a purchaser about pressing and recording quality, though.

I strongly second Stan's recommendation of the Walter 6th. I have it on a 1980's Japanese import CBS/Sony remaster, probably not findable these days, but get it in any form you can!

-- Al
I cannot say enough about the Gardiner recordings - top of the list. Alas, CD only ...

Next would be Claudio Abbado's second set (live) with Berlin, released on DVD. WOW! Alas, DVD only ...

Next would be Kleiber, then Szell.

The Kleiber 5/7 is absolutely fantastic - good luck finding it. (Has been reissued in SACD.) It is a "Desert Island" disc for most who own it.

The Szell ones are hit and miss on sonics. I have an anniversary boxed set that is quite good (Columbia 1970, I think). Some great interpretations, some decent sonics, some real "yawn" moments, too.

Frankly I am not a fan of Bernstein and Karajan. To each his own ...