Qawwali ....Nasrut Fateh Ali Khan

I'm looking for some serious Qawwali music. I like Nasrut, but many of his available recordings are mixed into dance music which I'm not a fan of. I prefer the real sufi stuff.

Was wondering if there are any spectacular Nasrut recordings where he really ascends to that higher plane...taking his audience with him. Live recordings would be preferred.

TAke this video of him on You Tube

...if you forward to Minute 2.30... you can see in his eyes that he's there... minute 3.00 he just takes off. I'd love to get this recording on CD. Alas, I'm unsure that it's avaialbe.
I have quite a few of his, and my alltime fav is
qawwal and party
on the realworld label 91300 from '89
those 6 tracks are splendid.
I, too, dislike the dance track stuff, a lot of it came from england.
There are countless lovers of NFAK around the world and I am one of them. It is too difficult to go over which ones are the best but here is a link to help to get started:

His performances take on a much much deeper meaning if you understand the language.

To find CDs and DVDs your best bet would be to visit your local Indian/Pakistani music store. In Houston, Texas there are two that I know of:

1) Maharani

2) Rahul & I

There several other performers of Sufi Music that you should consider:

1) Abida Parveen

2) Fareed Ayaz Qawwal

3) Sabri Brothers

4) Sai Baba

And many more...

Snipets of the above can be seen on YouTube.

Keep in mind that the Indian made stuff is not of as high quality as the stuff made in the West but some of it is surprisingly well done. You can also check out the Ocora Label (French) for a 5 cd set which is fabulous. Drop me a line if you need more info. Since NFAK has inspired you enough to write on these pages, I want you to do me a favor and check out a documentary in progress, it is called "That which Colors the Mind" by Steven Baigel. You can find it on the net. I would like to know your opinion of N. Banerjee. I am curious to know whether his music touches you as much as me. Listen to it when you are in a "peaceful" state of mind not when you are in a rush perhaps late at night with headphones on.
I must confess a total ignorance on this subject but I am willing to give it a try. Could you suggest one CD to start me off on this? Thanks!