Astral Weeks, Live At The Hollywood Bowl

I just got this on vinyl. First impressions are quite good. There is absolutely no information regarding the recording or mastering. I checked Van's site and couldn't find it there. Anyone know the details?

Here's pretty much complete details on this recording:
Mofimadness, thank you. That helps alot. It's an excellent live album that sounds like there was little post production to suck the life out of it. I'm guessing it was recorded digitally but would like to confirm. I know Bernie Grundman did the mastering and he does both digital and analog. I did not see that information on Wikepedia.

Here's an excerpt from the Paste Magazine article. I am assuming by reading this, he used an analog setup?

Paste: Did you oversee the mixing or production? And as far as the equipment, do you prefer vintage gear?

Morrison: To the present day I have always been my own producer, so everything has always been in my hands. I have always had the say. It would have been someone else’s and I do not play that. My music has a life of its own that does not take well to other people’s ideas or lack thereof.

I prefer to keep it as simple as possible. Modern day gadgets are the things as a producer that I hate, because then it’s contrived and manufactured, tweaked, the antithesis of what I am about personally and musically.