Excellent points you made on Abbey Road.
I have the mono box but haven't started on that. Bought Abbey Road and Let It Be and started in reverse chronological order (I guess). I played "Let It Be" a couple of times in a row and enjoyed the improvement. There are some lovely songs there - "Across the Universe" was so inspired. And "Get Back" just powers along.
But when I put Abbey Road on it did not get off the CD player until about 6 spins. What a fantastic effort. Although slightly lifted, it is nothing like the modern loudness you see on contemporary CDs. Nothing to concern one's self.
The musical lines present themselves as separate entities if you focus on them, but become part of a beautiful whole when you back off the concentration and it just envelopes. The richness and tunefulness in the bass lines and the drumming are outstanding and are immediately noticed as a vast improvement. There just seems to be an accuracy in the presentation, a feeling of being much closer to what they intended us to hear - and I am left marveling at the sheer ability of the songwriting. The second half medly made more sense to me than I can recall. The whole thing is just so lovely, and so well structured - and this is what I hear.