The EMI pressing is audibly superior.
Here is my review of the Angel vs EMI pressings. The biggest difference is that the pressing is 2 or 3 dB louder. As a result it is more detailed and the sound stage is more forward.
This of course ignores the issue of sibilance.
I now have two big dilemas, first which pressing do I return to the store. The EMI sounds great except for when the sopranos hit the high notes. You know when it really counts! On the other hand the Angel recording sounds mediocre throughout.
But the second dilema is, is it my set-up or the vinyl. My SL-1200 is not the best rig around. The EMI record is pressed louder and thus is more difficult to track. On the other hand my TT sails through the "Audio Obstacle Course" on my Shure test record. Is the test record a valid reference?
Finally to reply to Huntermusic, I don't have an SACD player unfortunately.