For Charles Lloyd I favor 'Lift every Voice' which is quite cathartic given it's inspirational spiritual response to the 9/11 tumult.
For Anouar Brahem recordings, all of them, but 'Le pas du chat noir' & yes agree, 'The Astounding Eyes of Rita.'
A non-ECM release that's really worth seeking out is Mavrothi T.Kontanis's 2008 CD. You won't regret it.
Just a few of my many ECM discs I go back to often:
- (believe it or not of all Tomasz Stanko's this one) 'From the Green Hill'
- ..and from some of Tomasz's co-musicians of the past this one for contemplative listening (but of course so much of these recordings fit under 'contemplative' music: Marcin Wasilewski Trio, January
- ..and bassist experimenter extraordinaire Eberhard Weber's 'Pendulum' a beautiful fragility flows forth from this one.
- one final one on many listeners ECM fav list (for good reason too): Towner & Fresu on 'Chiaroscuro.
I have not mentioned some excellent Indian music of which there is much. Checkout Waterlily recordings to start.
Peace fellow audiogon'er's
For Anouar Brahem recordings, all of them, but 'Le pas du chat noir' & yes agree, 'The Astounding Eyes of Rita.'
A non-ECM release that's really worth seeking out is Mavrothi T.Kontanis's 2008 CD. You won't regret it.
Just a few of my many ECM discs I go back to often:
- (believe it or not of all Tomasz Stanko's this one) 'From the Green Hill'
- ..and from some of Tomasz's co-musicians of the past this one for contemplative listening (but of course so much of these recordings fit under 'contemplative' music: Marcin Wasilewski Trio, January
- ..and bassist experimenter extraordinaire Eberhard Weber's 'Pendulum' a beautiful fragility flows forth from this one.
- one final one on many listeners ECM fav list (for good reason too): Towner & Fresu on 'Chiaroscuro.
I have not mentioned some excellent Indian music of which there is much. Checkout Waterlily recordings to start.
Peace fellow audiogon'er's