Hey Tom, have you been reading my diary? (hehe). Can't believe you just said that - Peter Cincotti is playing this minute on my system!!!!....right as you sent this post off.
Never heard of the guy but picked up "East of Angel Town" on a whim a couple of weeks back and this fell way into the 30% of the stuff I ended up liking a lot. Great songs and done well and avoids the cheese factor. I intend getting more of his stuff on my next raid of the record store.
Now Michael Ball - was that the guy who used to sing in a bunch of west end type musicals etc, I am sure he is British. If so, back in the day when I lived in Ireland (I am Irish) he was a big name and could really yodel. Very good looking guy in those days too. Anyway, we used to have a weekly TV show called "Jim will Fix It" and the idea was that, say if you had always wanted to fly a plane, have dinner with a rock-star or whatever you could write in and Jim would try to fix it. Anyway, this nurse who worked in emergency wrote in saying she would love to meet Michael Ball. Jim set it up. He had Michael all bandaged up head to foot and he was rushed into the emergency room and the nurse proceeded to unwrap the bandages from his face - she nearly fainted. Very good set-up.
Anyway, I think you and me are on the same wavelength, so keep the recommendations coming.