Whats the diff.in terms of sound between hdcd and sacd,which is the best for cd player to have?how good in 2 channel sterio?



The lack of titles & artists is for me the whole thing. of course it is nice to find a plumb in all of it.

Same thing goes for the Mo Fi remastered CDs, and XR. I really gotta love it before I'd drop $30 on an album. Maybe the next itteration of Waiting For Columbus, on XR, or SACD.... or some Johnny Nocturne in likewise formats.

www.half.com is another online joint I've been using for years now, a sub of ebay, and all indy sellers.

Buying 'digipak' is another path for savings, if the case type is of little concern. Same disc, lesser packing, and less costly.
If you already own a HDCD enabled CDP or DAC it's worth seeking out HDCD discs. IMO they bring a little something to the party and usually cost little or nothing more than non HDCD versions of the same CD.
I'll journey into high res world on the heels of my personal confuser
Blindjim's "personal confuser" gotta love that typo he hee!
There are still some HDCDs being issued. Most are not marked in any way, so it is always a happy surprise when the little HDCD light comes on. One from last year that I just discovered today is Dave Alvin and the Guilty Women.