Jeff Beck - Emotion & Commotion?

I was wondering if anyone has heard this cd yet and could comment on the sound quality. I had read that an orchestra had been used on some tracks. Thanks in advance.
Boring Boring and more Boring. Not a thing that is original or even pretends to be original. Commercial dreck at its worst. Panders to the commonest of guitar drivel. Waste of a person's money and time. I thought maybe something that was not classical music like Beck would spark my interest in Rock music. Nope. Laughed at it and went back to something more listenable like plainchant. And of course I am serious.
well, i really like jeff beck, wired and blow by blow are great. a lot of his stuff is a bit disjointed, although he is a brilliant guitar player. that being said, 'bout a month ago, i was warming up the big rig for a listening session, and grabbed his "jeff" album, which came out just a few years back. let me tell you, what a fucking monster of a guitar album. kinda backs up everything people say about him. a "MUST" listen.
Gotta agree with Schubertmaniac. The release was lauded in one of the recent audiophile publications (5 stars no less). To tell you the truth, the release was so disappointing I can't even remember if the recording or sound quality were any better than the musical content.