Best Rock Album in 2010

So its finally landed, the third album by Rock duo JohnOssi, with John Engelbert on Guitar and Vocals and Oskar Bonde on drums.

Mavericks - JohnOssi

Last year i had the title Best Rock Album in 2009, so far and had my vote out for Black Keys man Dan Auerbach, this year I will drop the "so far" and stipulate that this is as good as it gets!

Please add your best for 2010, but lets keep it to albums released in 2010.
and the nominees are...

The National "High Violet"
Black Keys "Brothers"
Broken Bells "Eponymous"
Menomena "Mines" (just got this one...weird but wonderful)
Joanna Newsom "Have One On Me"
Spoon's Transference is really solid

I second the recommendation of the Black Keys and The National records, both nice. I bet the Arcade Fire's new one will be cool too, just waiting for all the hipsters to stop creaming their jeans to listen.
Black Keys - Brothers

Widespread Panic - Dirty Side Down

Stone Temple Pilots

Vampire Weekend bored me to tears, I have a vinyl copy, cheap, if anyone wants it!!
Adam Lambert "For Your Entertainment"

Ok, not really. Can't believe you guys like High Violet that much. It's a nice album but certainly no where near the other National stuff. Actually a little boring and I am a big fan. Saw them Monday with The Antlers here in Columbus and they were spectacular! They are such a mature band in every way...writing, musicianship, performance...Fkn Stellar.
Just straight Rock?

Fatso Jetson - Archaic Volumes
Broken Social Scene - Forgiveness Rock Record
Resistor - Rise

The new Arcade Fire album is a disappointment and I could never get into The National.