What is the Audiogon of music instruments?

I'm looking to find some instruments.
Which instrument?
Gbase is a major "guitar for sale" site, with other gear available as well. Not these extensive forums however.


PS If you're looking for a particular type of guitar, drop me an e-mail. I'm a collector and always keep an eye on the market.

I don't think there is an Audiogon for musical instruments. Musicians usually know and want exactly what they are purchasing and keep those instruments. Audiophiles on the other hand have no idea what they really want. They only know what they think they want. Thus the huger turnover of used gear.
Sounds Real,

We must know different musicians. They're worse than audiophiles on the GAS front. Gear Acquisition Syndrome.

Old joke:

Her Q: Dear, how many guitars do you need?
Him A: Just one more
