New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
Just picked it up and have listened to it twice, and I like it. After the latest from Clapton and Santana I was afraid to start this album for fear of hearing lame covers, but I was brave and was rewarded nicely, Good job Mr. Petty!!
I never got around to posting on Petty/ZZ Top at the Hollywood Bowl. A great show and the Mojo material benefits greatly from the "live" treatment. The set list was greatest hits + Mojo. IME, this type of show tends to favor the hits and that's what happened here, as the (typically older H-Bowl) crowd starts to energize with the more familiar tunes. Not everyone seemed familiar with Mojo. Personally, I preferred the new stuff.


PS ZZ Top was astonishing. The radio hits degrade into monster riffs that barely hang together as songs. As you can imagine, this didn't necessarily go over so well with the crowd described above. Without diminishing Petty's show in any way, I thought ZZ Top was better than the headliner. I believe that I may have been the only person in attendance who held that opinion.
>>12-22-10: Shadorne
Mojo is nominated for a Grammy for Best Rock Album<<

So is Le Noise by Neil Young and should win by a landslide if the voters don't muck it up.