New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
>>12-23-10: Winoguy17
Does anyone really take the Grammy's seriously?<<

Excellent point.

Past grammy winners include Sheryl Crow, Christopher Cross and a myriad of talentless suck ups.

Le Noise is the best rock album of 2010 grammys notwithstanding.
Bill, glad you feel that strong. I love Neil,gonna buy it right after Christmas.
As an old geezer myself, I am not a big fan of old geezer musicians. I find most of their stuff recycled, boring, and lackadaisical. When you've lost a step, hang up the spikes.

I spend the majority of my music budget on new bands primarily indie stuff.

That being said Neil Young is an exception, at least for me. His willingness to experiment is refreshing.

Kudos as well to the Doobie Brothers. If you're a fan of their music from the first album to "Stampede", you'll love the new album. It expands on that path.
Hey Bongofury - how are you ?

Just saw your name linked to the Tom Petty thread and checked in. Are you a fan? Not a great fan myself but my cousin is in the band - Steve Ferrone (drummer). Next time they are in LA or SF and if you are free I will wangle a couple of passes and we can grab that beer we never had.

Just thought I would hop off the porn sites and check in and see what chaos you might be creating around here.
