Take a look at this one. I don't have any experience with it though.
Anyone got and album database for iPhone?
Take a look at this one. I don't have any experience with it though. http://www.collectorz.com/music/ |
""9-07-10: Djohnson54 Take a look at this one. I don't have any experience with it though. http://www.collectorz.com/music/ Djohnson54 (Answers | This Thread)"" I bought and started using the Collectorz that Dj posted. I had my collection in MS Excel, and I imported that into Music Collectorz. I have about 1,000 CDs/LPs. Once they're in, they don't have any info attached (song list, cover art, release date, etc.) but at this point you can avoid buying duplicates. From there I hit the "Update Automatically" and it updates automatically...sort of. It goes and searches the internet for a match, and you need to individually select the best match (usually the first one on the list so you just hit "Update"). Time consuming, probably about 30 seconds per album give or take. If you don't have a list to start with, you can put the disc into your computer's CD drive and it will read it, or buy a bar code reader and scan. I haven't done either. Once it's in Collectorz you can easily (and quickly) dump to your iPhone. Nice. $50 for the computer (Pro Version) and $10 for the iPod. I have my collection cataloged in Excel, and I have the physical discs that I play out of the package and in CD binders so I never know what songs are on the discs (some are listed on the discs, some not). This allows me to see the songs on the disc on my phone as well as having the list to avoid buying something I already have. |
I use CDpedia from www.bruji.com They have a free iPod/iPhone app called Pocketpedia which works with all their apps. I load up all the info on my laptop and then I sync with my iPhone. It also connects to my Amazon wishlist so that at any time, I have what I own, what I wish I owned and who has borrowed what and when. VERY convenient. |
Learsfool - No, I did not use bar codes. You can scan bar codes, enter each title individually, put the CD into the drive and let MC read it, or import a list (as I did from Excel). Scanning or putting the CD into the drive should automatically import album info (tracks, release date, cover art, etc.). Typing individually or importing a list requires MC to search online for album info. On the iPhone, the list looks similar to iTunes but you can't play and there is other information about the album. |