Did you hear that ALBUM?

Calling all geezers, buzzards, audio curmudgeons from ages of old - are you still saying stuff like "Man that's a great ALBUM", "Did you hear this ALBUM?" and so on when hearing music not being played on a turntable? I know I do. Never could break the habit ingrained from the age when everyone listened to ALBUMS. You "I still only listen to LP's" people please butt out on this one.
Of course i still say that because it is proper and correct. Any collection of songs put together on a recording regardless of the medium it is stored on is an album. The word album does not refer strictly to the Lp record, it means a collection of songs or photos or what have you. I will admit that over time that is the correlation it acquired, but it is incorrect, to refer to only vinyl LP's as albums.
I think the reference to "album" derives from when several 78 rpm records, which were not LP (Long Playing) and could not contain a full recording on two sides, were placed in an actual album, a book of sleeves each containing one disc. It looked similar to a photo album. The use of the descriptive word just carried over to LP's and, now, to any recording.

I have now proved I am more than eligible for geezer status.