Playing the wifes music choices

Okay guys,
1. Does your wife use the system to listen to her music or do you play it for her?
2. Do you stay in the room to listen to what she is playing even if it is love songs, like Air supply or Kenny G type music?

I play what ever my wife wants and yes I stay in the room.
My wife feels the system is too complicated and changes too often for her to keep up with it.
Look the bottom line is this hobby is full of odd birds, nerds and opionated ego maniacs. There is also some very normal and extremely fun and intelligent folks aswell.
There are D'bags, idiots, Aholes, nerds, geeks and social misfits galore in these waters (go to a show and look around if you doubt me) there is also as noted plenty of perfectly normal folks aswell so figure out where you fit and rock on.
I am a nerd about this, all happy men are nerds about something be it this, trains, stamps, hunting, even Harley guys are nerds in leather.
As if this hobby isnt small enough now we are down to turning on eachother...............really?
Ofcourse if you are a D'bag, geek, Ahole or a social misfit then I am sorry. :)
My wife is a little intimidated by my system so she refrains from playing the music she likes. For the most part she does not share my musical tastes but every now and then she suprises me. She enjoys jazz, trip hop, and classical (including opera) so the key is to focus on those musical genres we both like.
My wife is indifferent to the stereo. Years ago, she would operate it to hear her favorite records when I was not around, but when I got into separate components- preamp, amp, she wasn't too interested in operating it. She pretends to claim it is much to complicated to use, but I know better. A good example is when I bought our first microwave oven in the early 80s. I thought I would have to spend some time showing her how to operate it. Not the case at all, she took to it instantly, read the manual and never once asked for my help. I knew then that she is certainly as capable as me to self learn new gadgets- it is just a matter of interest. She has her iPod (I never had to show her how to use it) and that is good enough for her. Occasionally, I play her favorite records and get her to sit with me for a while and occasionally, I see she has downloaded some of my music onto her iPod.