Music you like but rarely listen

For me it's "The Umbersun" by Elend. Such darkness..
I listen to most the music I like, but I recently listened to the "Sound Opinions" podcast in which they discuss "The Wall" by Pink Floyd. I like Pink Floyd, but because I've heard them so many times (even when I didn't want to), I've haven't listened to their albums much in the last 10 years. Aftering listening to the podcast I pulled "The Wall" out and found it to be as magical as ever. The same goes for their other albums. Sometimes taking a step back from something allows it to return with more power, if that makes any sense.

I also like a lot of jazz, but I find that I don't listen to it as much as I would like.

It's interesting that you mention "darkness". I find that even though I might really like some albums that are "dark", I don't listen to them as much because I use music to create a sense of peace. A perfect example is Nine Inch Nails. I really think "The Downward Spiral" is a great album and an excellent piece of work, but I personally don't feel the burden that that album expresses. I guess I'm just not "depressed" enough. ;)
I like Pink Floyd too especially Wish You Were Here but don't listen to it often. Not sure why.
What you said about stepping back and things returning with more power makes perfect sense.