The Great Vinyl Debate

Vinyl record prices are out of control. Their quality is also lacking: Too many poor pressings and cheap packaging (paper sleeves and cheap card stock outer sleeves) don't justify the price. My question is why is this happening?

I refuse to buy re-issues when used originals can still be had cut from the original analog sources to those that love to search for them (I get that some folks don't care for hunting/waiting) and ultimatly find them.

The trouble I have is with the price of "new vinyl." It varies of course, but both indie and major label vinyl records are grossly over priced IMO. I have no qualms about supported an artist whatsoever, however the average price for LPs both single and double and box sets are outragous.

Labels, distributors et. al. appear to be taking advantage of an inflated/exaggerated supply and demand equilibrium more so these days than ever before. Why is this? Even tho I've been hearing and reading about the vinyl resurgance since 2007 and the plethora of other documents stating that it's on the rise - even that vinyl is killing the compact disc - only 3 people where I work have turntables (that includes me) but I'm the only one that actually listens to, and buys records. In my world, I don't see the resurgance at all. But I do see inflated record prices along the lines of $46 for double LPs and $35 dollars for single LPs! These aren't re-issue inflated prices either - these are new music prices. And most if not all don't include "free MP3 downloads" (who wants MP3's anyway?)

Perhaps the recording industry believes that if they have a customer base that will pay $2000 for one foot of power cord or $10K+ for turntables (sans tonearm and cartridge) - we won't balk at $30 150 gram records or multi-hundred dollar box sets.

I'm a music lover not a sucka. Hey music industry mad men I'm on to you - the revolution is now....
US inflation is a valid point. As is operational costs of manufacture (there are less plants making LPs these days - as well as people that know how to do it well (speaks to quality)). However, indie labels like DISCORD are selling LPs from their stable for $15 (up from $10 when they started) and have be profitable for 30 years. Proving that an agreeable pricing model is possible, so I don't agree that as you say "my issues with the cost of LPs are unfounded."

Greed is still my point with the majors (nothing new).

So MoFi's been rippin' off music lovers for 40 years. Nice.
record pressings today are 'a fraction of a fraction' of what they were 30 or more years ago. its a boutique business, and will not get cheaper. with all its quirts and problems, it still is radically fun...and 20 to 30 bucks is far less than a night out.
Jaybo- Does the 30 bucks include Tunes, food, beverages AND an hourly girlfriend?
I'm with you on new vinyl prices and quality. Even the "Audiophile" 180g pressings, can and do in many instances suck. Also, if you buy from a local store, they really can't take noisey or poorly pressed recordes back, if they do, they eat the cost. The record company does not reimburse them. That sucks.

I have returned many to MusicDirect and Amazon who have both been great about taking them back, but I have started to just buy vintage Japanese pressings from some dealers in Tokyo I found on eBay. As long as I buy multiple records the shipping is not bad, and the quality is extremely high, and since they are not new, if they guy says they are mint, they are mint. No surprises.

Waiting on a Chris Isaak "Heart Shaped World" from Japan now, can't wait.