Live vs. recorded

I'm wondering if others of you have a strong preference between live tracks or studio recorded versions. Obviously the quality of the recording plays a role. But for me, I would rather listen to a mediocre recording of a a live track than a higher quality studio track.
I have to ask Tomcy6, what sort of music do you listen to because that's not my experience. Is it with Jazz perhaps?
Re: Steely Dan

Get the Two Against Nature DVD and listen to the live at Sony Studios material. I believe it predates the Storytellers show by a few days - I think it's superb.
Here is what I mean.

This poor quality audio youtube clip is just awesome (to my mind)

Dave Garfield

I enjoy this kind of jammin' much more than the same slick song on the studio album. So call me crazy but I really like the "live" sound.

I think you may have hit the nail on the head - live musicians have the freedom to vary things and the little twists and nuances are perhaps what I enjoy so much (or not if the band does not groove well).

Perhaps this explains the appeal of live music to others too?
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