Best Keith Jarrett records

I've heard bits and pieces of his music and performances here and there and would love to own some of it on vinyl. There are many used KJ records at my local record store, but I wouldn't know where to begin. I'd like to ask for your opinions on what you consider best among Keith Jarrett records. Thanks!
It was the one where he had laryngitis and couldn't sing and moan along as he played.
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Surprisingly no one mentioned KJ's work with "the European Quartet", which predats his Jazz trio work. I personally prefer the queartet over the trio. My favorite recordings of the European Quartet are the albums "my song" and "personal mountains". Check them out - very different from the trio work - more innovative in my view.

Second, from the very large solo improvisation concerts catalogue, the 2009 PAris/London (testament) recording is very good. Additionally, if you are into computer audio, the album is downloadable from HD Tracks in 96/24 high rez, and the sound quality is unsurpassed.
Jasmine is wonderful! Some of the most emotionally beautiful music I've heard.