drive by truckers

I know this band has been around for a while but I just discovered them and really like there sound. Anyone else like them?
For the record,

I know the Truckers only via radio, and Slobberbone and Two Cow Garage were names completely unknown to me until John posted 'em - so I'll redirect Kedoades' thanks his way and track down the relevant CDs for my next music purchase spree (this weekend).

Yes, sorry, I guess I should have thanked John for the slobberbone suggestion, any other bands?
the bottlerockets are the best st louis band. the brooklyn side and zoysia are my favorites cds by them
drive by truckers opened for petty on this summers tour. they are the kind of band that you need to see in a bar where they headline and play for a whole night and start passing the whiskey bottle around. they didn,t translate well in big stadium but not many do..i am not saying they are a bar band but i,d rather see them in that sort of venue.
Have fun shopping, Marty. :)

Jbc is right that the Bottlerockets are very worth a listen (I like "Brand New Year"). For my money, the best St. Louis Bands are no longer active: Uncle Tupelo, arguably among the most important American rock bands of the past 50 years (sort of the Velvet Underground of and Nadine, whose "Downtown Saturday," is a classic of Americana. Both bands will likely appeal to fans of DBT type stuff.

Women working more and less in the genre worth checking out: the great Shannon McNally ("Geronimo," "Coldwater") and Sera Cahoone (selftitled, "Only as the Day is Long")
