drive by truckers

I know this band has been around for a while but I just discovered them and really like there sound. Anyone else like them?
Yes Marty, Americana covers a multitude of sins. My favorite in the genre, and at the top of my "in heavy rotation" is not even American: Po'Girl, a spin off of the also very nice Be Good Tonyas. But now we are *very* far from the Truckers.

Back to the van warrior rowdy theme: Lucero, out of Memphis (try "Nobody's Darlings"). Perhaps not up to standards of Truckers, and certainly not Uncle T, but very good.

I'll look for Cross Canadian Ragweed, jbc.

Just found a new band of former slobberbone members called the Dram, any heard them yet?
Kedoades: Slobberbone's excellent bass player "retired" for a while, hence the Drams. He's back at it, and so is Slobberbone, last I heard. This is a good thing, I think. Drams had most of the Slobberbone, plus keys, as I recall. Saw them once: a popier sound -- good, but not as good as Slobberbone. The Sb show I saw on their "last tour" (warmed up by Two Cow Garage) among the handful of best I've seen.


I ordered the Slobberbone cd you recommended, but 2 Cow's "Wall Against Our Backs" wasn't available. Might be out of Print? So, if you were choosing your next most hightly recommended 2 Cow cd, it would be....?

Thanks in advance.

Drat, Marty. I think 2CG changed labels (to Suburbanhome) which may have resulted in the back catalog being 86ed.

The band has slowly gotten a bit more poppy, and turned down their live shows, which used to give you hotflashes. I see their first record, "Please Turn the Gas Back On," is available, but it is pretty raw (though it has the lovely "All Sins Forgiven"). A lot of people like "Speaking in Cursive," but it didn't grab me so much. After "Walls," my favorite is "III" -- slicked up a bit from their earlier stuff, and even has horns, but still their trademark grit, and their shrewd and witty songwriting.
