drive by truckers

I know this band has been around for a while but I just discovered them and really like there sound. Anyone else like them?
The wall against our backs is available on amazom, but it is 85 bucks, to much for me
Yeah, 85 bucks a lot; don't think I've ever paid more than 20 for a single disc. Betcha WAUB get's reissued.

Here's another rec: Hayes Carll, a Texas twanger directly comparable to Steve Earle. No doubt this is controversial, but I think he's a better songwriter, and I prefer him all around. Both "Little Rock" and Trouble in Mind" are nearly without misstep. Very highly recommended.

as a loyal steve earle fan i would disagee. but hayes is just starting out so i'll pay attention. i have one of his cds and i;ll relisten today. for another suggestion for some real americana how about ray wylie hubbard and gurf morlix. i love their music. it seems like we owe a debt to texas for all the great musicians. rock/country/blues