Best sounding MFSL LP

No, I haven't heard them all and quite frankly have been dissappointed in most, however they do get it right sometimes. Just wanted to get your top 2 or 3 MOFI (LP) titles of all time. Maybe this would best be accomplished by releases in certain decades but time is short.

This is mine.

David Bowie "Ziggy Stardust".

"Get the arrows out, but I have many, many of them, and with a few exceptions love them all, not very many disappointments"

I TOTALLY agree! Like I said above, I have almost all of them and find very few disappointments also. By far, my favorite audiophile reissue label.
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I agree with Slaw-"Ziggy Stardust" is great. Then again, it
would sound good even on a wax cylinder. One of my favorites is Al Stewart's "Year of the Cat". One more-"Ricki Lee Jones," self-titled first album.