Best sounding MFSL LP

No, I haven't heard them all and quite frankly have been dissappointed in most, however they do get it right sometimes. Just wanted to get your top 2 or 3 MOFI (LP) titles of all time. Maybe this would best be accomplished by releases in certain decades but time is short.

This is mine.

David Bowie "Ziggy Stardust".
MFSL must do vinyl much better then the do digital. Crime of the Century
And Aja are average at best on gold CDs IMO

From those I own, the old Neil Diamond 'Hot August Night' is a remarkable cut.
And Muddy Waters 'Folk Singer' is legend.
Getz/Gilberto, Muddy Waters 'Folk Singer', Billie Holiday 'Body and Soul'--yes Winoguy 17 this is the 'real deal', fantastic in both analog and digital, AKUS live, Cat Stevens, Tea.., Mulligan meets Webster,Baez- Diamonds and Rust, Ella and Louis again...and more.
Agree with audiofeil. Crime of the Century is the best one I have. Sea Change is good but not quite up to the original and Waiting for Columbus is also quite good.