Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!
I had to revisit that scene to be reminded the Abba turd was actually embalmed in some fluid.
IIRC, the cinematic amulet in question indeed contains a "floater". I haven't followed LB into the loo just yet, but - then, again - I've never had the opportunity. Myabe it's for the best....
IIRC, the cinematic amulet in question indeed contains a "floater". I haven't followed LB into the loo just yet, but - then, again - I've never had the opportunity. Myabe it's for the best....

Yeah, the mind reels with unpleasant possibilities... you may come face to face with an LB turd in dry dock, which would make the task of extraction a bit more delicate in order to keep the artifact in tact. That scenario also might require a much larger amulet, and let me tell you a large amulet could look really silly hanging around a man's neck. Yes, definitely for the best, Marty, I'd have to agree.
Speak for yourself, Marco.

I wear my oversize Todd Rundgren, Billy Gibbons, and Richard Thompson amulets rather smartly, I'd say.

It is possible, however, that this paricular issue has been fully digested (so to speak) and that the associated debate has (mercifully) run its course.