45rpm pressing of Fleetwood Mac Rumours

Got it Friday and it sounds lifeless on my system. (musical life jazz table Zu Denon dl103 cart.)

What's your impression? Was I expecting too much?
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Love this album and I have several versions of it. Original, japanese pressing, nautilus 1/2 speed and the 45rpm. All of it sounds great I would have to rate the 45 a bit ahead of the japanese pressing.... a bit more air and separation I think Hoffman did a great job
I heard the 45 rpm version on a great system and was not impressed with it.

I like the sound of the chain box cd set better
I have both the original and the Steve Hoffman pressings and actually listened to both versions yesterday, back to back. The Hoffman pressing has a more robust bass and perhaps a bit more seperation bewtween the musical elements. The original pressing has much more presence and punch in the upper-midrange. The original is a great, great sounding recording.

On balance I will take the original as I assume it consitutes the sound the band wanted. And it is a great sound. The Hoffman pressing is a fun variant but I miss the punch and presence of the original (I assume this is a function of the master-tape deterioration, and not any choice that Steve made).
I have the new 45rpm version and I think that it sounds very good. I also have an original copy from the 70's. I haven't actually compared the two versions yet but once I do I will post my impressions...