It was 44 years ago that...

Parlaphone released the Beatles 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'.
What other albums can be considered having as much impact, actually altering the direction of a music genre?
Hi Rockadanny,
To gauge its impact you need to remember what records where like prior to SPLHCB.
Perhaps being released at the beginning of the 'summer of love' had a lot to do with its impact. How much you like the album is a matter of opinion. Personally it is not my favorite Beatles album.That isn't what I intended this thread to be about. I wanted to see other important albums that changed the playing field.
What is not debateable is that anyone significant in the rock industry at the time of it's release were listening to it and heavily influenced by it.It sparked an era of intense creativity in music.
I will through in Dylan's Highway 61 as well into the conversation

Hi Loomisjohnson,
Velvet Underground is a good one. It was the beginning of the punk movement IMO.
In regards to Sgt. Pepper I will disagree with it being hyped more then any other Beatle album.They were all hyped pretty good. These are the Beatles during the sixties! The real hype was after it's release with everyone from Brian Wilson, Morrison, Mcquinn, Crosby and John Phillips playing it 24/7 as if they hadn't heard ANYTHING like it before.


Hi Urn975,
Interesting that 'Days of Future Past' came out in November of that year, almost six months after. Did Sgt. Pepper have an influence on it? Or was it just the pharmaceuticals at that time?;-)

It had a huge influence on Jimi Hendrix who performed it in it's entirety the day before it's release. It was not the first of it's kind, but because the Beatles were so popular at the time everyone took notice. A lot of techniques that had not been used much prior were employed. Most are simple to replicate today but the songwriting is a little more difficult.
Hi Ncarv,
Thanks for sharing. I was too young to appreciate the impact at that time but I felt it's influence in rock music well into the 70's. The timing of it release, looking back on it, was absolutely perfect.
A exceptional moment in history at the time of it's release.
How much do you think this recording influenced the well documented cultural revolution of that summer?
