It was 44 years ago that...

Parlaphone released the Beatles 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'.
What other albums can be considered having as much impact, actually altering the direction of a music genre?
Nirvana was influential when regarding the media(radio-tv-press). Musicians were much less influenced by Nirvana. More talented bandes like Pearl Jam-Soundgarden-The Pixies-Mudhoney-COC and Alice in Chains were much more influential with nu-metal and mainstream rock from the late 90's to even current bands. Kurt Cobain's death made it convenient for the media to make Nirvana larger then life!
Nevermind had pop hooks and a unique intoxicating quality that had a powerful effect on a lot of listeners. The record didn't have a huge budget and got big based mostly on consumer demand. Nirvana was larger than life before Cobain's death. Musical "talent" isn't some easily quantifiable attribute that's accurately measured w/ one yardstick or one persons opinion. Attempting to rank the best moments of of the Pixies, The Melvins, Soundgarden, Mudhoney, Nirvana and Alice in Chains is pretty much a clueless turd in the punchbowl exercise.