"Paper Airplane"

Dear Alison,
I love you. Your body of work is what dreams are made of. I'm sorry to say that, while mere mortals, such as I, could ever dream of being able to obtain your level of perfection, I am feeling that PA is not up to your previous standards. While everyone's performance is excellent, the (magic) that we have come to expect, isn't there the way it was previously. The sonics, while they are very good, aren't up to the standards set by all of your previous works. Forgive me, I'm still a huge fan. My best.....
Dear Alison,

I love you too and I disagree with the above posters. I was very excited when I heard that your latest cd was soon to be released. I didn't listen much until after I saw you and US recently in concert in Berkeley. The concert was excellent as is "Paper Airplane".

I appreciate others' recommendations.
I am also a huge fan of AKUS, and first was relieved that
they brought out a new album. I like it and am not dissatisfied that it is similiar to earlier albums. I just read on their website an explanation of how and why the music was chosen, and "Paper Airplane" seems to be an excellent, intimate communication from the band to us. I am grateful and enjoy it.
I saw them in person on 9-1 here in Omaha and consider it one of my finest concert experiences.
I would never say it is a "bad" release, it is not. The musicianship is top notch. But for me, it lacked a certain magic that some others had and for some reason seemed just a bit flat. I'm not sure I can explain it, perhaps it was the song selection I don't know but this is just my opinion Douger. If you like it and enjoy it that's all that counts.
I agree it's not my favorite. There's really no way I wasn't going to try this one though so I don't regret buying it. I still find it listenable anyway.
Thanks, Rja. I agree about personal taste and hope I did not sound critical. In their website, "Alisonkrauss.com" they
explain some of the circumstances they faced, it is under 'ABOUT'.
Lastly, Alison could sing the phonebook and I would marvel about it.
I'm easy...