Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
Religious I am not as it is very destructive.

Do not go to church.

The teachings of Christ is not cultish.

03 you have a bad tube LOL.
I would sit at that table! Because there is a deep issue that is music related and we are here for music. What makes a star? Where do you draw the line with respect to those who dont even respect themselves? There would be other questions posed aswell as my thoughts already stated here. It would be a worthwhile debate so you bet your ass I would sit at that table. I am no shrinking violet online or in person and love a good debate/arguement and to be honest I have been to enough stereo shows to know there are not very many physical threats lol.
no church for glory?? being religious is "destructive"?? if this is truly how you feel....then you're right. i must have a bad tube somewhere ;-). will look into a repair if possible.

Chadnliz.....i don't have a dog in the "is she a star" fight. don't have one in the "was she any good" fight as well. regarding are misunderstanding the point. she's dead and doesn't really need any. it's the people who enjoyed, cared and liked/loved her that deserve some respect (i don't fall into any of these categories as well). they sure as hell don't need someone trying to talk them out of it so soon after her demise *and* in an RIP thread. just like those people who crash/protest dead soldier funerals. they have a right to voice their thoughts even though many find them disgusting (myself included). it's the where and when that gets most of us riled up. timing is everything.
I had formed opinions on some of the folks on this site, and find that they change as fast as these threads change. Too much anger and one-up-manship.
I never cared for AW, but I respect the dead, junkie or not.