Terrible/Inappopriate songs ...

on an otherwise wonderful release. Know of any? These bug the crap out of me as they are: dumb songs, inappropriate selections as per the rest of the release, and sung very poorly. What is (was) up with them?

1. Miles Davis, "Nothing Like You", on Sorcerer (1962).
2. Tony Williams, "This Night This Song", and, "Once I Loved", a two-fer on Turn It Over (1970).

I very much like both of these releases, but they are spoiled by these insipid songs (IMO) unless I skip them. Know of others such as these clinkers? Must be ones which stick out like sore thumbs on an otherwise good/great release. Cuts which make you exclaim, WTF?
"Thank You" from Led Zeppelin II. Disliked it the first time I heard it, and it gets worse and worse every time I hear it. For some strange reason, a local radio station has been playing it frequently.

And it just doesn't fit with the rest of the album IMO.

I'm sure people love the song, I just can't see why.
Thank you, Kbarkamian, for your fine observation on "Thank You," for which I have never felt particularly thankful, either.