Chicks With Guitars

Their poppin out of the woodwork! I love them, many others here do to. It seems there are often side discussions on this topic in the "best of" threads but I don't recall a dedicated spot for these lovely ladies. Hope to pick up a few new artists to listen to and maybe offer up a few to y'all.

List your chick with guitar favorites here:

A few to kick it off....

Laura Marling
Martha Tilston
Emily Jane White
Sharon Van Etten
Marissa Nadler
Caroline Herring
Rachel Harrington
Sara Jaffe
Tyler, the Creator...ok, I just slipped that one in to see if anyone would notice...

I could go on and on but these are some good ones I thought would be a decent start.
Are you sure that isn't a list of the yearbook editors from Vassar? Never heard of any of them chicks-the killer chick with the pick is Mary Osborne,the killer hick chick with the pick is Rose Lee Maphis and the the just plain killer diller chick with the pick is the amazing Memphis Minnie.
April Lawton. Unfortunately she's not with us any longer - but I always loved the way she fingered her guitar!
Jazzcourier - Never heard of those chicks either but will check them out for sure. Most of the ones I listed are part of the newer breed of singer/songwriter, nu-folk types. Not sure where that "chicks with guitars" label came from but I always heard it used to reference that genre...not that this thread has any limits at all. Lord knows where it will end up!
richard stacy's got impeccable taste, so i'm gonna check out his whole list
+ suggest a few of my own:
edith frost
kaki king
aimee mann
jolie holland
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