Great films where music is a central theme.

I'm a film lover for as long as I can remember. There's nothing like a film that combines my passion for music and film. I'm going to leave out concert films from this, as there are plenty of threads on that. Lets stick to other films - dramas or documentaries - that use music as a central theme, or have it as a key element in the narrative. Here are a few of my own favorites to get the ball rolling.

As it is in Heaven
The Bands Visit
Schultze Gets the Blues
Troubled Water (the Erik Poppe film)
Sweet and Lowdown
'Round Midnight
I'm Not Here


Throw Down Your Heart
The Devil and Daniel Johnston
Lets Get Close (Bruce Weber)
Buena Vista Social Club
Bob Dylan: Don't Look Back
Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man

So it's really could be split into two threads; Narative films and Documentaries. But lets try leaving it open to both, just no concert films. What are some of your favorites?
Jax2, true, music is not central to Antichrist.

Here is another suggestion that comes to my as I listen to Swan-lake. Black Swan. It must have been mentioned already...
Yes Marco, very influential and responsible for the Cornholio as a Christ figure subtext. Glad I could further your film education.
Yes Marco, very influential and responsible for the Cornholio as a Christ figure subtext. Glad I could further your film education.

Thanks for the schoolin' on movin' pitchers, Richard. Thanks also for making me blow a fair amount of bubbly water through both nostrils when I read your treatise on Cornholio. The nostrils were in need of a bit of a flush anyway.

Nick_sr - yeah, I mentioned Black Swan a while back. Which leads me to think of one of his earlier films, which has a great soundtrack and no qualifying musical content otherwise, Requiem for a Dream - but since you like dark and disturbing films, I'm sure you're familiar with it. This of course brings to mind a more recent soundtrack by the same guy who did Requiem, Clint Mansell; he also did the haunting soundtrack to, Moon. Again, sadly, no musical content and the film does not belong in this thread, though it is an excellent film with a great performance by Sam Rockwell. Oh, damn, now I'm doing it! You see what you guys made me do?!

On a redeeming note, I just watched Wim Wenders installment, The Soul of a Man, of Martin Scorsese Presents the Blues series. I promptly ordered the soundtrack. Yes, it is entirely musical content, of course. A documentary.

Maybe it's not an actual subtext....
Somehow, I didn't expect that my search for "Cornholio" (I was unfamiliar with the reference) would lead to Beavis and Butthead, given that it was driven by references from Marco and Richard. I may have to re-evaluate certain assumptions that I've had about you two. Or, about Beavis and Butthead, I suppose.

Either way, I didn't see that one coming.
