The Evolution of Modern Jazz

Shadorne's thread "Outstanding Examples of Musicianship" inspired me to begin this thread. While Shadorne stated that all genre's were welcome, I felt that me and another jazz aficionado were beginning to dominate that thread. Shadorne is a "Rocker", bless his heart. This community functions best when like minded people engage in common dialogue.

The title explains this thread. We will use "youtube" the same as in Shardone's thread to illustrate our examples, and now I begin.

In the beginning, there was Charlie "Bird" Parker, and he said "Let there Be Bop" and thus it began. While walking down the street, Bird ran into John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie, who had similar ideas, so they "Bopped" down the street together; Bird on alto sax and Diz on trumpet. My first illustration of this new music is "Bloomdido" with Bird and Diz. We should cover "Be Bop" in depth before we go to the next phase of this evolution.
There would have been no need to 'name' Jazz in New Orlean 'dixieland' or anything else, if, some other music in some later time and place had not been 'named' a different type JAZZ. Then we have to be able to differentiate. It would be interesting to know who 'names' all this stuff. I find it hard to believe that diz and bird are foreign to any jazz fan or player in New Orleans or any other place. Maybe you are thinking of the 'tourist trap' dixieland bands. Can a person dance to BEBOP??? Absolutely!! Check out Dee Dee Bridgewater's tribute to Horace Silver CD. Does not mean you can dance to EVERY single bebop tune, but if it makes you move, you can dance.
But your overall point is well taken. I looked in my all music Jazz guide for info, they have three or four pages of very small print entitled 'what is Jazz' and many styles of Jazz listed. I stopped counting at 50. So much for that.
I do believe that the types are Jazz are created to accomadate the players. They seem to find a niche for everyone. If you can't play, don't worry, we'll just call it a different 'kind' of Jazz. I received 14 Jazz cds yesterday from amazon. Only one of the artist is still alive, Herbie Hancock, and it was his first recording for Blue Note. Sums up my attitude towards 'modern' Jazz.
None of my points apply to Wynton Marsalis. I bet you can dance to his stuff. Check out him and clapton together.
Thanks for your post.
Thanks for the link. I have almost all his stuff. Great playing. I had a big smile of my face while listening, and this is to a youtube link on logitech speakers on a computer. Just illustrates to me, It's the music, not the gear.
"Gearheads" don't even know what music is, they're too busy listening to their gear.

In this last phase of "The evolution of modern jazz", I was attempting to illustrate how people around the Globe had incorporated our "jazz" into their music. "Calcutta Cutie" is an example of how a group in India incorporated the music of Horace Silver.