How old is too old?

Quick but hopefully interesting story. I have been playing high end for 30+ years and I will be turning 65 in a few weeks. Not that long ago I had told my very understanding wife that I had pretty much reached the end of the obsessive journey. I had reached the point where replacing ANYTHING of significance was financial insanity. While I acknowledge that my hearing is no longer what it used to be, I still enjoyed listening. I took heart that many great conductors continue well into old age. So basically, my passion and the rest of my life had reached a peaceful balance. On the other hand I still searched Audiogon most days and have been thinking of a Marantz 10B lately. Old habits... Well, I still believed that something was missing but with the loss of all the Stereo stores, it is damned difficult to hear much of anything let alone compare products. Recently had a chance to hear the Chicago Sym do a rehersal and was reminded how good real music could sound. Without all the details, Wilson and ML are key parts of the system. My speaker cable was from a respected company and quite well thought of. Hadn't even thought about it in years, it was just there. Some fine gentleman was sellig the length of speaker cable I needed for $400 for a cable that retailed for $2200, partially because it had been run through the floor and left scuff marks. My set up runs throught the floor so per-scuffed seemed a fine deal. I hoped for some improvement.

I am enjoying my sound system again with more outright fun than I would have thought possible. Speaker cable! And at 65 years old. For $400. None of us ever get to the end of this hobby and who would want too? If there is a moral to this story besides that High End Stereo probably should have a diagnostic code in the DSM, you are never so old that this still can't be fun if you don't take yourself or your sound system more seriously than is reasonable. I still fine in humorous that after spending mega-bucks, $400 went from pretty good to real good.
My thought is: If I wait until I can afford this stuff, I'll likely not be able to hear it. So just buy it, used, now.
I am 58 and pretty satisfied with my system. Currently I only shop for music and the occasional new cartridge. It’s a boring day when I even look at the classified ads here. The simple fact is, if a piece of my system goes down, I’ll have it repaired or replace it in kind if possible.

Tan43, I am right there with you!
Stay with what you love. If I had a dollar for every beer I ever drank, I'd go out and buy beer with it.
I just turned 65 and am exploring new music on a thread on the MUSIC discussion site( "the best cds in 2011).

I love the sonics of new recordings vs. the stereo of the 60s and 70s but still enjoy the old stuff. Recently purchased Anthony & the Johnsons after hearing a track on a TV series program (House or CSI?).

That said, I plan to purchase a new audio system this year, spending $20,000+/-. I look forward to choosing the components but there are fewer and fewer brick and mortar stores to audition equipment.

The hobby is more enjoyable as I get older, not less.
I'm over 70 and if it floats my boat I'm buying more water!
Just got a new set of Aural Thrills Zenith spk. cables Sat. for cheap off A-gon and they are blowing away my
HT Pro 9,DNM,Morrow SP4 et all big time.