What are the "must have" HD Tracks albums?

HD Tracks is having a 20% off sale and I am wondering what recordings are worth buying from HD Tracks. I have read that there is a real range in the quality of the HD Tracks recordings and I wanted to make sure I only purchased the recordings that are worth the price premium of HD Tracks. I was thinking of buying the Marvin Gaye Collection and REM's Out of Time. Are there any others that are particularly recorded well in the HD format?
Buy the music that you like performed by the artists you like the best and will listen to after you make your purchase. Don't buy something you will never listen to just because some on this forum suggests it. Listen to the samples before you buy. I suggest FLAC downloads.

Taking opinions from others will be a hit or miss proposition. Not everyone has the same setup and some systems will perform well and others may not be optimised for hi-resolution. Every component makes a difference. I have heard 'excellent' and 'good/fair' from the same download on two different systems. The system made more of a difference than the download. (just like two different turntables will have their own sound character playing the same LP) you may prefer one to the other and only your ears will make that decision.
The David Grisman stuff is wonderful--extremely well recorded and excellent musicianship.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! I downloaded Hotel California and it sounds great....great dynamic range, crystal clear, and nice strong bass. REM's Out of Time on the other hand, to my ears sounds little different from the CD. In hindsight, I probably should have bought Band on the Run instead of Out of Time.....oh well I guess 1 great download out of 2 isn't too bad at $30 for the 2 of them.
I also was disappointed with the "REM" download....try the Ella Fitzgerald/Louie Armstrong "Ella and Louis"....just try a free sample or two....amazing...