"Hidden Gems"'

I listen mostly to jazz, jazz vocals,classical, old r&r etc. I never cared for nature sounds combined with music until I happened to come across the following pieces.

1. "Back to the Fluture". By: Erik Sampson. Sampson is a bamboo flute maker and the cuts on this cd are comprised of him on flute accompanied by a small selection of other instruments, IE, guitar, piano, drums, sax etc. There are some bird, thunder, rain etc. sounds that are incorporated perfectly. This is a hauntingly beautiful album.
It is very well recorded and throws a huge sound stage.

2. "the Smoke that Thunders". By: Hennie Becker. This album is perhaps better known. It has an African theme w/tribal drums, instruments and a few tribal vocals, again, accompanied by African bird sounds mixed with tropical rain etc. on some cuts. The music and nature sounds blend together seamlessly IMO and also throws a huge sound stage.

These two albums helped me get through 5 kidney stones, well, and of course, a little vicodin.

Maybe you can turn us on to your "Hidden Gems".

Thanks to fellow A`gon member Richard_stacy, who`s idea this originally was and I would hope for his input.

I loved the "tink" sound when my stone hit the screen in the funnel they gave me. I checked out the stone under a magnifying glass, all jagged edges and points like a crystal which it was (uric acid and calcium). Talk about a "Hidden Gem", if it were bit bigger I could have set it in a piece of jewelry.
Oh yeah, real fun and enjoyable going from the kidney to the bladder too.
You know, Rja, That is exactly like my first and one of my most painful stones, 25 yrs. ago. I remember it was red in color and as big as a pea-rock. Thankfully, I haven`t had a problem in the last 2 or 3 yrs.

Whoever started this supposed "Golden Years" thing was full of sh#t.


Your description of Back to the Fluture sounds just like something I would be interested in. I did a quick Google search and it wasn't obvious where I could get a CD of it.

Do you know of a source?


Michael, google erik sampson flute maker. His site lists about four of his cd`s along with all the different flutes he makes. I have all of his cd`s. I think that Back to the Fluture is my favorite tho.
I just brought up his site. Scroll down the left side and punch other products/accessories.